Advertising : Meaning, definition, characteristics, merits and demerits of advertising

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Advertisement is a type of communication medium that we use to present any product, service, or idea to the public. And thus today, advertising is widely used in the field of industry and business. The main objective of advertising is to make or tell consumers about a product or service, to attract their attention, and ultimately to motivate them to buy it. Advertising mediums also include print, audio, video, and digital media. The selection of advertising medium depends on factors such as key audience, level of exposure, and cost.

Advertising : Meaning, definition, characteristics, merits and demerits of advertising

Important key points related to advertising

  • Advertising is a type of communication medium that presents products, services, or ideas.
  • The main objective of advertising is to make consumers aware and motivate them to purchase in various ways.
  • There are different types of mediums of advertising such as print media, audio, video, and digital media.
  • The selection of advertising depends on the target audience, level of performance, and cost.
  •  Widely used in the advertising industry and business.

What is advertising?

Advertisement means presenting a product, service, or idea to the public. It is paid communication for some purpose through any medium. Advertising mediums include print, audio, video, and digital media.

definition of advertising

According to the definition of advertising, it is a paid communication for any purpose through any medium. Its purpose is to make consumers aware of a product or service, attract their attention, and ultimately motivate them to buy it.

advertising objectives

The major objective of advertising is to make consumers aware of a product or service, attract their attention, and ultimately motivate them to buy it. It also plays an important role in promoting and encouraging business.

What is the importance of advertising?

The business importance of advertising is mainly that it helps in promoting products and services and increasing sales. It helps in maintaining the brand image.

And if we look at the topic of social importance, then through advertising it educates and makes the public aware and makes them aware of new products and different types of services like jobs, hospitals, loans, or when a new item comes into the market, So informs about it. And makes the consumer aware.

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Types of advertising

Major types of advertising include print media advertising, electronic media advertising outdoor advertising, etc. Each medium has its own characteristics and benefits depending on certain key target audiences, level of performance, and cost.

print media advertising

Newspapers and magazines are used in print media advertising. These advertisements provide permanent and detailed information to consumers. Print media helps in creating brand identity and image building.

electronic media advertising

Television, radio, and the Internet are used in electronic media advertising. These advertisements influence consumers by using visual and audio mediums. These provide wider levels of advertising exposure and greater effectiveness.

outdoor advertising

Billboards, neon signs, and posters are used in outdoor advertising. These advertisements are displayed in public places and attract the attention of consumers in busy areas. These advertisements are an effective medium for business brands.

Advertising medium



Print media

Permanent and detailed information- brand identity and image building

Reaching target audience- deep impact

Electronic Media

Visual and audio media-  wide dissemination level

Greater effectiveness- immediate response


Demonstration in public places- presence in busy areas

Effective for business brands- attracting public attention

Meaning, definition, characteristics, merits, and demerits of advertising

Advertising is a type of communication medium used to present a product, service, or idea to the public. According to the definition of advertising, it is a paid communication for any purpose through any medium. The major objective of advertising is to make consumers aware of a product or service, attract their attention, and ultimately motivate them to buy it.

The advantages of advertising include business and social importance, while the disadvantages include exaggerated and misleading advertising. Keeping these aspects in mind, advertising is extremely important for business.

Advertising : Meaning, definition, characteristics, merits and demerits of advertisingAdvertising image

Advertising Features

The main characteristics of advertising are - public presentation, clear message, and marketing objective and it ensures how the advertisement can be delivered to a wide audience, provide clear and accurate information about the product or service and ultimately persuade the consumers. So that they can be influenced and motivated to purchase.

public presentation

Public presentation means that any person or group of people can see or hear the advertisement. And this increases the publicity and impact of the advertisement.

clear message

Clear message means that the advertisement should contain clear, accurate, and detailed information about the product or service. It empowers consumers and motivates them to buy.

marketing objectives

Marketing objective means that the main objective of advertising is to influence consumers and motivate them to purchase. This represents the basic goal of advertising.

qualities of advertising

Major attributes of advertising include – informing and motivating consumers, promoting and encouraging business, creating awareness of products and services, strengthening brand image, helping to remain competitive, and introducing new products. Give. Because of these advertising qualities, advertising is important for businesses and products.

Qualities of advertising


Informing and motivating consumers

Advertising provides consumers with information about products and services, leading to informed and inspired purchases.

Promote and encourage business

Through effective advertising, businesses are promoted and demand for their products or services increases, thereby encouraging business.

create awareness (bring awareness)

Through advertising, consumers are made aware of new products and services, thereby increasing their knowledge and understanding.

strengthening brand image

Effective and consistent advertising can strengthen the brand image, thereby increasing the trust and reputation of the brand in the minds of consumers.

helping to stay competitive

Due to the qualities of advertising, businesses can maintain their presence and remain leading in the competitive market.

Introducing new products

An important feature of advertising is to make the public aware of new products and services, thereby introducing consumers to new things.

flaws in advertising

Advertising may also have some flaws, the major ones being exaggerated advertising and misleading advertising. It is important to understand these defects and avoid them.

exaggerated advertising

In exaggerated advertising, the qualities of a product or service are exaggerated, which may be inaccurate or false. These advertisements mislead consumers and affect their trust.

misleading advertising

In misleading advertising, false or inaccurate information is given about a product or service, due to which consumers are misled. Such advertisements not only affect consumer confidence but can also lead to legal action. Advertising should be rectified by targeting these defects and following proper rules and controls.

advertising requirement

Advertisement is needed mainly for two reasons – to remain competitive and to introduce new products. Businesses need to promote their products and services in the competitive market, and advertising is an essential tool for this.

stay competitive

In a rich and dynamic market, products often remain competitive. Due to which advertising plays an important role in attracting the attention of consumers and increasing sales. Effective Advertising Companies have to take the help of advertising to maintain their competitiveness and keep their brand image strong, due to which their product can be sold in large quantities in the market.

Introduction of new products

With time, companies keep introducing new products and services. It is very important to make the public aware of these new products. Advertising is the most effective medium that can inform and attract consumers about new offerings. Thus, advertising is extremely essential for businesses.

role of advertising

The important roles of advertising are to increase awareness, increase sales, and build brand image. It makes consumers aware of a product or service, attracts their attention, and ultimately motivates them to buy. This increases business sales.

Raising Awareness

Advertising plays an important role in making consumers aware of new products and services. It makes them aware of the features and benefits of these products and services, allowing them to make more informed decisions.

increase sales

Effective advertising motivates consumers to buy products and services, which increases business sales. It helps consumers understand the usefulness and benefits of the product.

brand image building

Brand image can be strengthened by effective and accurate advertising. This creates trust and loyalty towards the brand among consumers, which is important for long-term business success.

benefits of advertising

Advertising exhibits many beneficial aspects for both consumers and the industry. It is important to understand these benefits as it clarifies the role and importance of advertising.

benefits for consumers

Advertising makes consumers aware of products and services. It helps to fulfill their needs by letting them know about new and latest products. Additionally, advertising provides consumers with information about the price, quality, and features of products and services, allowing them to make empowered and informed decisions.

benefits for industry

Advertising also exhibits many beneficial aspects for businesses. This advertising increases the income of businesses by increasing the sales of products and services. Also, it helps the industry to strengthen its brand image and differentiate itself from competitors. Furthermore, advertising creates opportunities for businesses by introducing new products.


What is advertising?

Advertising is a type of communication medium used to present a product, service, or idea to the public. According to the definition of advertising, it is a paid communication for any purpose through any medium. The major objective of advertising is to make consumers aware of a product or service, attract their attention, and ultimately motivate them to buy it.

What are the objectives of advertising?

The major objective of advertising is to make consumers aware of a product or service, attract their attention, and ultimately motivate them to buy it.

What is the commercial importance of advertising?

The commercial importance of advertising is that it helps in promoting products and services and increasing sales. It also helps in building brand image and staying competitive.

What is the social importance of advertising?

In terms of social importance, advertising educates the public, informs them about new products and services, and promotes consumer consciousness.

What are the types of advertising?

Major types of advertising include print media advertising (newspapers, magazines), electronic media advertising (television, radio, Internet), and outdoor advertising (billboards, neon signs, posters).

What are the characteristics of advertising?

The main features of advertising are – public presentation, clear message, and marketing objectives. Public presentation means that the advertisement can be seen or heard by any person or group of people. Clear message means that the advertisement should contain clear and accurate information about the product or service. Marketing objective means that the main objective of advertising is to influence consumers and motivate them to purchase.

What are the merits of advertising?

Major attributes of advertising include – informing and motivating consumers, promoting and encouraging business, creating awareness of products and services, strengthening brand image, helping to remain competitive, and introducing new products. Give. These qualities make advertising important for businesses and products.

What are the demerits of advertising?

Advertising may also have some flaws, such as exaggerated advertising and misleading advertising. In exaggerated advertising, the qualities of a product or service are exaggerated, which may be inaccurate or false. In misleading advertising, false or inaccurate information is given about a product or service, due to which consumers are misled. Such advertisements affect consumer confidence and may even lead to legal action.

Why is advertising needed?

Advertisement is needed mainly for two reasons – to remain competitive and to introduce new products. Advertising is important to promote products and services in a competitive market. Apart from this, advertising is also the most effective medium to make the public aware of new products and services. Thus, advertising is extremely essential for businesses.

What is the role of advertising?

The important roles of advertising are to increase awareness, increase sales, and build brand image. Advertising makes consumers aware of a product or service, attracts their attention, and ultimately motivates them to buy. This increases business sales. Also, effective advertising strengthens the brand image which builds trust in the brand among consumers.

What are the benefits of advertising?

The benefits of advertising benefit both consumers and the industry. For consumers, advertising informs them about new products and services and the choices available to them. For industry, advertising helps to increase sales, strengthen brand image, and remain competitive.

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