The Selection Of Music - Story

There are four members in my family - My papa, mummy, younger sister and I .One day my papa came with four tickets of a circus. It was for the evening  show. The show was to start at 6 o' clock in the evening. We reached at the entrance of the circus at 5:30 p.m. The circus was surrounded from all sides with long and big tin sheets. No one was able to see the show from outside. We showed our tickets to the gate-keeper. He showed us our seats .We went to the seats and occupied them. We were waiting for the show to start

The Selection Of Music - Story

The show started exactly at  6 p.m. Two clowns came on the stage. They were wearing peculiar dresses.Their look was quite different from us.They were looking funny.They switched us in the way that we started to laugh. After that two beautiful girls came on the stage and said, " Namaste " to everyone. The stage was lit brightly. The girls went back. 

                                                                                                                                                               Then a small girl came on the stage. She was looking like a doll . She bent her body like a plastic  toy. Then  she passed her body through a very small ring Everyone was surprised. She smiled and went back. 

Then a man come on the stage. He drank several glasses of water . There were holes in his dress on his stomach . The water come out of it . After that the game of monkeys and dogs started . Two monkeys were riding small bicycles and two dogs were following them . A man accompanied them . He had two rings in his hands .The monkeys and the dogs were made to jump through the rings .

Then a man come with four colourful balls in his hands . He was a juggler . He played with all of them at a time . It was very interesting .

The Selection Of Music - Story

Just after after the big animal's show began. Two horses were running fast in the arena. Then they jumped through a fire ring . Two elephant were brought to the stage . they raised their trumpets and fore-legs and saluted us. After that one big iron cage was brought. There was a big lion in it. It roared loudly. My sister was afraid of its sound.                                                               

Then a very interesting game was shown. Six smart and brave boys and girls rode on the high swings. The swings from the opposites sides were coming close and soon becoming distant. The boys and girls were jumping from one swing to another. They were swinging bravely .

 The spectators were clapping hands ,at the end of  each show. every member of the circus came to the stage. The clown saluted us .Everyone clapped .The bell rang. The spectators started to move out towards the exit of the circus. Everyone enjoyed the show.                                                                                                                                                                  

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